Thursday 21 October 2010

The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud (2010) - Burr Steers

I love having a friend who works at the cinema.  It means when I sit through shite like this, I don't feel bad for not paying.  The best thing about this film was the Harry Potter trailer at the start...

It's basically Dawson's Creek meets The Lovely Bones and The Sixth Sense, with a dash of High School Musical in the form of Mr Efron himself (is it just me, or is he looking increasingly like Jared Leto?).  It's sentimental dross - after his younger brother dies in a car crash, talented sailor Charlie (Efron) must learn to move on with his life and MAN THE HELL UP.  The whole film is just a showcase for Efron's...erm...'talents' (plenty of Twilight style topless shots).  It's enough to make you sick.

Guys: Just don't bother.  Go and see The Social Network instead.

Girls: Take a tissue.  With Zaccy boy in this weepy film it won't just be your eyes that are moist.
